Saturday, October 20, 2007

... And New York State Driver Licenses For All

When lawful tourists visit New York, they buy souvenirs. When illegal aliens (regardless of their countries of origin) come to live in New York, they could soon be handed a New York State driver license ... courtesy of our elected officials! This, for the expressed purpose of identifying illegals living in our midst. We’re told that the state's legal residents will benefit from this. It’s easier to imagine though taxpayers paying even more for financial aid programs benefiting non-citizens once these people are exposed.

A recent poll found that only 22% of New Yorkers approve of this license giveaway. 78% of New Yorkers should provide a "get out of town" ride to those in office who turn justice into road kill.

A diverse population is one of America’s greatest blessings. So too is our judicial system. Let’s continue to support legal immigration, not reward those who don’t obey our laws.

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