Sunday, February 17, 2008

Naked Cowboy Sues Chocolate Coated Cowpoke

Robert Burck, Time Square’s Naked Cowboy, thinks the Mars Candy Corporation has stolen his image to create their Singing Cowboy M and M. Burck, 37, is known to mosey around Times Square, singing songs while entertaining all who see and interact with him. Wearing his white hat, white boots and skimpy white underwear (with a guitar strategically hung in front), he’s been a unique sight in a unique city. That is, until this Melodious M and M rode in on a video billboard at the Mars store on 42nd Street. Honest Injun, the resemblance, right down to their white boots is obvious. Now there’s two troubadours in town. Now, it’s "The Cowboy vs. The Marsians" in a $6 million legal battle over trademark rights and other claims. I wish New York's Naked Cowboy the best of luck with his lawsuit. Originality and those who dare to walk the streets of Manhattan in their underwear need to be protected.

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