Monday, August 25, 2008

A/C Bill To Bill A/C Abusers

The “greening” of New York City continues. Mayor Bloomberg is expected to sign a bill into law that will fine some stores from keeping their doors open when the A/C is running. He’s admittedly lukewarm to the idea himself. He believes it won’t make much of a difference. That's probably true. The new law will apply to chain stores with more than five locations and to businesses of 4,000 or more square feet. Fortunately, small stores and restaurants with outdoor seating will be exempt. The bill goes into effect 90 days after it becomes law. As a result, expect to see some store owner’s temperatures rise in 2009. First time offenders will get a warning; then $200 tickets for each subsequent occurrence. Bill supporters believe stores will save 20-25% on air conditioner electricity. Many affected owners claim that business goes down 20-25% when their doors are closed. They also believe energy costs won’t go down as suggested because their doors are always opening and closing. This new law makes you wonder just how intrusive government plans to be to save the planet.

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