Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is Appealing Like Stealing Or Re-Dealing?

“It doesn’t hurt to try!” Many Big Apple, big-building owners are taking and using that maxim to get huge tax breaks when appealing their city property-tax assessments. In 2010, the city Tax Commission reduced property taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars. As of December 30, 2010, 46,929 property-tax appeals were filed which was the highest total ever. 1,710 homeowners also filed for a review. City officials admit that problems are caused by the year’s lag time in determining a building’s estimated value. David Frankel says that the Finance and the Tax Commission must use different data because of the delay which causes the $$$ discrepancies and the successful number of appeals which lowers the taxes NYC collects. New ideas to correct this problem are being sought… but shouldn’t they already be in place? New Yorkers shouldn’t pay more in taxes than required and should be billed the proper amount without needing to appeal. City officials should act immediately to ensure that residents and real estate giants pay a reasonable amount in a timelier manner.

[This is a copyrighted editorial, originally published on We invite you to post your comments on this blog and reply to the comments that other viewers have posted. This piece may be duplicated or printed with permission.]

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