Monday, May 26, 2008

Armory Plans Have Some Neighborhood Residents Up In Arms

After 12 years of searching for a beneficial use for an old National Guard facility, a solution may be right around the corner. Once, the largest military drill hall in the world, vacant since, the Kingsbridge Armory may soon become home to a major department store and dozens of smaller shops. Happily, the Bronx building’s exterior with it’s distinctive towers, turrets, crenellated parapets and huge arches will remain intact with only minor alterations. As is usual when major change in a neighborhood is proposed, some will rise to oppose it. In this instance, it seems that potential benefits outweigh the complaints. Jobs and money will be brought to the surrounding areas. Of great significance too, a magnificent structure erected between 1914-1918 with 575,000 square feet can be reclaimed along with the neighborhood around it. To the developers, respond to the fears and concerns of local residents. To those in the area, be open to new possibilities. Build it and they will come.

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